Firework“When once the itch of literature comes over a man, nothing can cure it but the scratching of a pen. But if you have not a pen, I suppose you must scratch any way you can” – Samuel Lover

I watched the fireworks over the Castle here in Edinburgh last night – a few blazing moments of glory to make sure 2013 knew it was welcome. Beautiful. But fireworks notwithstanding, it’s an pruritic start to the year for me. Last year there was a bit of irritation and I salved it by scratching gently – a little bit of therapeutic writing here and there. This year the scratching is more serious: a writer’s blog!

What I hope to do is share some of my thoughts, poems, short stories and scripts. There are risks attached to scratching an itch so publicly. Writing opens a window; a peek into the soul of the writer. So many what ifs…

I’m writing under a pseudonym to keep my professional life separate from my writing life, though the two sometimes blur. I also hope to involve my friends – writers, performers – in the process.

So if you don’t like watching itchy writers scratching, look away now…