ExcellentAlthough the site has only been up and running for a wee while, it’s had plenty of visitors dipping in and out. Five posts stand out as the most popular by ‘hits’. Here they are!

Having just read them again, I’m not surprised – the quality of the writing is high. And yes, one of them was written by me, but brought to life by Sian Fiddimore, so in a fit of  shameless self-promotion for our creative partnership, I have included it here. The other four most popular posts are by fellow Binge Inkers, our talented Edinburgh writers’ group. I’ll shortly be publishing a page highlighting the group.

The decision to launch DJ Mac was inspired by a workshop at last year’s Fringe. Run by the BBC and focusing on writing for radio, there was a clear message: if you are passionate about writing, then showcase it! That took a bit of courage and still does. The biggest fear that all of us who publish here have is: what if it’s not good enough? After much thought I realised that the question is pretty meaningless. Good enough by whose standards? Good enough for what? If we waited for perfection, nobody would ever publish anything. So it doesn’t matter. We write because we are writers and that is good enough.

So, in no particular order, here are the five most-read articles on DJ Mac.

Playing the Old Songs by Martin Redfern. In this lovely short story, Martin touches on loss, how music bridges from the present to the past and he leaves us with a sweet sadness and lingering empathy.

In Family Album by Emma Cooke, the past is also picked up as a theme, but the portal is a family photo album. Another piece of evocative writing that leaves a poignancy for the past, tinged with regret.

JM Stevens through the medium of a Woodland Path tackles exploration, risk, love and loss in a haunting poem which uses the seasons to great advantage.

In Gillian Munro’s Baptismshe explores themes of liturgy, vulnerability, trust and dependence. I felt the blue water lapping as I read it.

Finally, Sian Fiddimore performs as Annie in Goodbye, Hello, Goodbye, about love and loss and how joy and sorrow are part of the same whole.

If you enjoyed any of these, please let the author know by leaving a comment.

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