AllsortsApril was a bumper month with hundreds of visitors to the site. Here’s what they were looking at! The top five most read posts on the blog were:

The Waiting Room by my friend and fellow Binge Inker, Emma Cooke. In her poem, she captures the tension and uncertainty associated with waiting to be seen. Emma’s work will also be published this summer in Issue 2 of Far Off Places.

Warrant Outstanding. I wrote this as an exercise in subverting the fairy tale/fantasy genre. It turned out a little darker than I imagined it might. It’s very much brought to life by Sian Fiddimore’s performance.

Nightshift/Dayshift by Catriona Windle. Here, Catriona turns her lens on curious and distinctive characters, the crumpled and the enigmatic, in gentle observational prose.

In my Spring Haiku, I wanted to get a snapshot of the essence of spring in a few lines. Did I manage it? You can judge for yourself here.

Finally, actor Sian Fiddimore’s musing on the tumultuous process of auditioning also makes it to the top five. Read all about it in Auditions…Next!

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